Corporate communicators face big challenges: fact and fiction are getting blurrier, the future is harder to predict and anger is rising. Which companies are the best in the world at using websites and social media to cut through the mistrust and connect with their audiences? Jason Sumner and Caterina Sorenti will present the top 10 leaderboard from the latest Corporate Digital Communications Index from Bowen Craggs. What can you learn from the best digital communicators in the world, and who are the innovators showing the path to the future?


Jason Sumner, Senior Consultant, Director of Editorial, Bowen Craggs
Jason is a trusted consultant to corporate digital communications teams at large global companies. He applies the Bowen Craggs proprietary measurement methodology to assess strengths and weaknesses of digital communications and create a roadmap for improvement. Jason is also responsible for editorial across Bowen Craggs publications, including articles, research reports and the Corporate Digital Communications Index. Prior to joining Bowen Craggs, Jason was a senior editor at the Economist Group and a business journalist in the UK and US.


Caterina Sorenti, Senior Consultant, Bowen Craggs
With a background in marketing and journalism, Caterina applies her skills and knowledge of online communications to advise Bowen Craggs clients. Using the Bowen Craggs methodology, Caterina assesses corporate digital channels and provides strategic recommendations. Caterina also works alongside Jason to manage editorial across Bowen Craggs, including our Substack newsletter Bowen Craggs Insights.


Alan Harris, Head of Global Corporate Communications, William Grant & Sons
Alan Harris is a strategic communications senior leader and adviser with two decades of corporate communications experience. He is Head of Global Corporate Communications at William Grant & Sons, leading internal and external communications for the company behind some of the world’s leading brands of Scotch whisky, as well as other iconic spirits brands. Prior to this, Alan was Director of Internal Communications at NatWest Group where he enjoyed a varied and successful 23-year career with the Royal Bank of Scotland and NatWest, from joining in January 2000 as a trainee auditor to leading NatWest Group’s Internal Communications function.

Join us on Tuesday, 22nd October, at 13:00 CEST:

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