By Christine Michaelis, CEO and Founder, Let’s Talk

What is it that we hear big organisations say all the time? ‘We need the start-up mindset. We need more of a start-up spirit. We need to think like a start-up.’ But what does that actually mean? And why do they want that? Start-ups have a different, fresher, more innovative and flexible mindset than large organisations. They have lean processes and can therefore adapt more quickly to market changes. Big organisations cannot change all their processes and procedures. Big organisations have big processes and they are there for a reason. However, what they CAN change is their mindset.

The word entrepreneur turns into ‘intrapreneur’ – someone who loves their job as if it is their own business – acting like an entrepreneur within the company. Because they feel valued, know they can grow and innovate. And how do we do that? Through improving our communication!

Effective communication ensures that ideas flow freely, collaboration is seamless, and everyone is aligned with the company’s goals and values. When it comes to fostering an intrapreneurial mindset, communication plays an even more critical role. It helps break down barriers, encourag collaboration, and creat an environment where innovative ideas can thrive.

One of the first things a company can do to promote an intrapreneurial mindset is to encourage an open dialogue within the organisation. Everyone – no matter their role or status within the company – should feel comfortable sharing their ideas, even though they may seem unusual. Regular brainstorming sessions, innovation workshops, and suggestion boxes can support that. Leaders should also actively listen to their teams and provide constructive feedback, fostering a culture of trust and mutual respect.

Teams should be encouraged to work together on projects, share their insights, and learn from each other. This does not only lead to more innovative solutions but also helps in building a cohesive and collaborative work environment.

And of course, we cannot ignore technology! It plays a crucial role in enhancing communication within organisations. By leveraging technology, companies can ensure that their employees stay connected, share ideas in real-time, and collaborate effectively, regardless of their physical location. Be aware of overusing technology though! A good balance between tools and personal contact is needed.

For innovation to flourish, it is also important to create a feedback loop where everyone can receive timely and constructive feedback on their ideas. Having an annual performance review is not enough! Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can be used to interact more often. Leaders should also recognise and reward employees for their innovative contributions, reinforcing the importance of intrapreneurship within the organisation.

By creating an open culture and fostering effective communication, organisations can unlock the full potential of their employees, encouraging them to think creatively, collaborate effectively, and bring their innovative ideas to life. As leaders, it is our responsibility to create an environment where communication thrives, and intrapreneurial spirit is nurtured.